
Saturday, 5 October 2013

Making Your Ideas Come To Life - Since 200 BC

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of councilors, and he most patient of teachers." - Charles W. Eliot

Writing a book can be difficult and time consuming, but when you have those creative juices flowing wonders can appear right in front of you! Sometimes to get going some people just need a little nudge in the right direction, and that's what I'm here for! I'm going to become the agony aunt of stories no matter how long, short, silly, funny, sad or serious they may be.

Here are some of the basic pointers --->

1) Have a good, solid plot-line brewing somewhere.

 It doesn't matter if it's the start or the end of your story, just as long as it's something you can expand on. When you're writing you may choose to put different events at different points anyway.
If you're struggling for a good plot line there's inspiration everywhere! You could even base yours around a piece of music or an event that happened to you or someone you know.

2) Read, read, read!

Reading books is the most important thing if you want to become a successful writer. It can not only give you inspiration but it can help with your own english skills too!

3) Always include more.

Readers are always expecting more! Go beyond the common 5 senses! People love writers who take into account the weight of a new jacket or the fresh oil left on the tracks once a vintage train has passed. Simple add-ins like these can set the scene of you story that much more interesting.

4) Play with the readers emotions.

Make them laugh or make them cry, use objects in certain situations to make people feel something. 
For example, put together a child and homelessness and BAM! You've got women all over the world giving in to their motherly instincts.

5) Take your tiiiiiiiime.

This is probably the most important thing to do. You don't want to rush your masterpiece after all do you? Taking your time can give you the chance to check for mistakes and grammatical errors. Also, if your are running out of ideas taking a break is actually the best thing to do! It can give you time to rethink and give your brain a chance to relax before creates magical scenarios for you to create!

If you take all of these into consideration, then who knows! You could become the next J.K Rowling or Charles Dickens...

"Books are uniquely portable magic." - Stephen King
(And this is really the case for Harry Potter!)


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